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Canyon du Soussouéou: one of the most beautiful descents in the Pyrenees is in the Ossau valley

13 Jan, 2022 | Blog

the Soussouéou canyon

This canyon is not lacking in attractions: crystal clear water that is always cool, jumps in many pools, slides. The sequence of obstacles is continuous and gives a steady rhythm to the descent. The Soussouéou canyon is a unavoidable sports activities in the Ossau valley!

Often referred to as Aqualandthe torrent of the Soussouéou is born downstream of the Artouste dam to get down a magnificent glacial valley and come up against a granite lock where the the playful and sporty course.

Soussouéou Canyon in the Ossau valley in the Pyrenees, 1 hour from the Basque Country

The corniche des Alhias, a magnificent passage!


With Chlorophyll AdventureIt is a canyon that you will practice, choice of half day  (half-day adventure package) or in a short day  (Oxygen day formula).

The pace will be cooler on a full day than on a half day and we will take the time toa picnic by the water in the canyon. The The approach will differ according to the formula chosen. 30 minutes on a mule track quite steep and sunny at the half day with an arrival on the right bank. A day trip, 50 minutes by a forestry track and the cornice des Alhias. This vertiginous path overhanging the canyon was cut into the rock for the needs of the hydroelectric exploitation of the valley. The arrival will then be on the left bank of the canyon.

Canyoning in the Soussouéou gorges (Atlantic Pyrenees, 1 hour from the Basque Country)
Canyoning in the Soussouéou gorges, 1 hour from Pau in the heart of the Pyrenees

The slides of Soussouéou...


The first obstacle is a 7-metre long slide (see first photo) which will to put you in the mood and wake you up, if it were necessary! This is followed by two pretty basins with clear water. Then an array of slides to go down feet first or not, depending on the instructor's mood!

An 11m abseil under a curtained waterfall


After the pas de la danseuse (a small 4m jump) and the bobsleigh (a 6m slide on a bend), half of the canyon is already swallowed (1600 metres in all!). The second part, less intense, is there on purpose to rest a little before the last parade: two jumps, an 11-metre abseil and another nice jump. At the end of the final stretch, a wooden footbridge suddenly reminds us that the car park where we left our cars is only 100 metres away.

Canyoning in the Soussouéou gorges, 1 hour from Pau (64)

"Sniff, is it over yet?!"


I regularly hear this from customers who nevertheless passed between two and a half and four and a half hours, according to the formula, in this a small granite jewel in the Ossau valley, hidden in a thick beech forest.

You just have to come and see for yourself...


Pascal Carcenac, Escarando member of the Aventure Chlorophylle office

Aventure Chlorophylle's guides will advise you and help you prepare your stay all year round. Book your activities online or contact us for more information.

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